"When at work even though physically I’m in prison, mentally I’m not. Even on those days that we all have when I’m ‘not in the mood’, I remind myself how much my work will mean to someone’s son or daughter and that’s humbling. I’m so happy to be involved in something so positive for not only myself and other inmates but for families on the ‘out’ too."

Since 2002 we have trained more than 900 prisoners to be editors, giving them useful skills, work experience and a better chance of employment upon release. Our prisoner editors work with us five days a week which enables us to meet the demands of producing more than 5,000 stories every year. 

Helping other prisoners’ children gives them a sense of worth and working as part of a mall dynamic team, with real clients and real deadlines, gives them a taste of job satisfaction and achievement.

When funds allow, we employ a small number of editors upon their release from prison on a part time temporary basis where they can carry on editing from home. This ongoing support gives them time to adjust in the outside world and gain a foothold on the employment ladder.

"Working for Storybook Dads has given me more than just computer skills. It’s given me the confidence to spend quality time with my daughter when I get released. My daughter didn’t know me when I came to prison so I’ve done loads of story discs for her (and even written my own story). Now when I see her at a visit she happily runs to me and will sit and talk to me. I have baby girl back and she has her dad!"

      Audio and Video stories             Why we do it