“My son is 18 months old and his dad has been in prison for 6 months. His face lights up when his dad’s voice comes out through the speakers. He even talks to the speakers as well. He smiles and claps his hands when he hears his voice and I often shed a wee tear too. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to hear his voice and feel his presence on a daily basis.

For many families, a precious story is a lifeline, helping to heal rifts and build vital family relationships.  It shows the children they are loved as well as helping them to develop an interest in books and reading. This increases their chances of succeeding at school, significantly improving their social and learning outcomes. Our projects also enable imprisoned parents to improve their own skills whilst helping to have a positive impact on their children’s lives.

“I’m dyslexic but the fact that I could still make a story for my kids gives me the confidence to learn to read to them. They loved the story and it helped them with their reading and interest in books in general